Social media marketing agency in Mumbai

Social media marketing agency in Mumbai

At Lucien Solutions, we are equipped with the refined skills of social media marketing (SMM) to deliver solutions for businesses from various industries. We are a team of experienced professionals tailoring robust strategies, targeted campaigns and engaging content that can deliver the brand’s unique goals and requirements.

Social media marketing includes

  • Strategising: We understand the brand’s unique SMM objectives and develop aligned comprehensive strategies and content calendars. We ensure the campaigns target and resonate with the audience and deliver desired results.  
  • Ads: We design and execute paid ad campaigns with precision to increase the brand’s visibility, engagement, and recognition among the targeted audience and drive desired actions.  
  • Content Creation: We create captivating and resonating content tailored to every platform and its targeted audience demographics. We offer original and rich-quality content to convey the brand’s message and value. 
  • Engagement: Through cornerstone and compelling content we invite engagement through comments, messages, and mentions and promptly interact with the audience. We build genuine relationships to nurture a positive brand reputation. 
  • Monitoring: We regularly track the content and ad performance using KPIs. The campaign insights allow us to make data-driven decisions for adjustments and optimisation to derive maximum ROI. 

Our social media marketing agency in Mumbai package offers 

  • Attractive creatives: Our creatives feature eye-catching visuals and design elements, that highlight the brand’s message. They are strategically created with relevance to grab and hold the audiences’ shortened attention span and engage them. The elements in the creatives harmoniously communicate the brand’s essence, perspective and values for a lasting impact. 
  • Concise message: We leverage the creative to convey the message concisely and impactfully to the audience. We craft the message with precision and clarity to ensure effective communication in a short span and impactful branding for retention. We keep messages short and concise for the fast-pacing social media landscape. 
  • Strong branding: The creatives are integrated with the brand’s unique elements like logo, colour palette, template and typography to showcase its distinguished individuality and to establish a strong brand identity. The harmony of the brand’s elements appeals to the audience and reinforces higher retention recognition and increased credibility, inviting increased engagement.

Our SMM Agency approach

We create tailored and comprehensive strategies that offer you growth and development for the long term along with the achievement of your unique desired SMM goals. We begin by understanding your brand, its target audience, the competition and the market landscape to strategies the tailored approaches. Our skilled team creates captivating content that establishes a strong brand identity and conveys the brand’s value, perspective, and message. We leverage the resonating content to invite audience engagement and foster authentic relationships and communities that drive actions and conversions. It also enhances the likelihood of brand loyalty and a positive reputation in the digital landscape.  

We consider regular monitoring and measuring analytics as an equal and important part of any SMM approach. We track and analyse the performance to refine the campaigns and target them precisely for the best results. Our approach enables us to offer you an enhanced online brand presence. 

Why choose us? 

  • Industry Experts: We acquire the expertise to understand your specific requirements and the intricacies of SMM. We leverage our years of experience, industry insights and trends to tailor effective strategies that aid the growth of your brand. Your brand can reach the target segment and drive desirable actions with our years of expertise in the SMM landscape.  
  • Creative Professionals: We are a team of young and creative professionals bringing a fresh perspective to the online and social media presence. We strategise and showcase every brand’s uniqueness through the creatives and content allowing the audience to resonate with the brand, foster relationships, and establish a distinguished identity in the digital landscape. 
  • Data-backed Solutions: We offer solutions that are time-tested and have proven to be effective. We tailor the strategies to align them with your goals, audience behaviour, and current trends. We track the metrics, refine the campaigns to maximise engagement and reach and optimise the ROI. We offer results by centralising our efforts by leveraging the data and precision. 
  • Holistic SMM: We offer comprehensive solutions to ensure your brand establishes a positive social media presence. From creating robust strategies to managing and tracking metrics, our solutions are goal-centric and ensure increased awareness and retention within the audience segment. Holistic social media marketing can allow your brand to build community, credibility, brand loyalty and a distinguished identity in the industry.  
  • Client-centric Approach: We prioritise your goals and ensure every strategy and decision is effective towards your goals. We understand your SMM needs and offer solutions accordingly. We constantly keep you in a loop with the process, progress and metrics to maintain complete transparency and ensure you achieve your long-term and short-term SMM goals. 


  1. What to look for in a social media marketing agency in Mumbai? 
    Look for an agency that understands your business niche and has a team of expert professionals to offer you seamless strategies, solutions and results aligned with your SMM goals. 
  2. Is social media marketing cheaper? 
    Compared to traditional marketing channels, social media marketing is more cost-effective. Its campaigns, strategies, and ads can be scaled based on the budget and goals with optimal ROI 
  3. How much do social media marketing services cost in Mumbai? 
    The costs can vary from agencies and the services they offer during a certain time duration. Average packages include strategising and ads to management ranging from ₹12000 to ₹45000 monthly. 
  4. What does a social media marketing agency do? 
    They create and implement strategies for compelling content and ads that invite engagement. They enable your brand to reach its targeted and broader audience and achieve the desired SMM goals.  
  5. Can social media marketing be free? 
    Yes, organic SMM, like posting content, engaging, and community building does not require a financial investment. However, for effective SMM paid ads and expert help can be beneficial. 

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