SEO Agency In Navi Mumbai 

SEO Agency In Navi Mumbai 

Lucien Solutions is a digital marketing agency based in Navi Mumbai. We have experience in the industry for more than 6 years, with a team of experts working to aid businesses develop and grow further.  

We understand the importance of SEO for businesses in today’s digital world. Our Navi Mumbai based agency has over 6 years of experience with SEO, enabling us to provide our clients with tailored strategies that derive results. We make sure our developed strategies are aligned with the client’s objectives towards SEO. Beginning from the introduction through the follow-up for SEO we ensure to keep the client updated and within the loop

Why SEO is important?

SEO holds the most substantial power to drive organic and quality traffic in digital marketing. SEO has also been integrated into other marketing strategies like social media marketing. Hence contrary to the common belief that SEO is not valid anymore, it has in fact gained more relevance and continues to benefit businesses on search engines. 

Google is the most visited website and search engine across the globe. Users on a daily basis use the google search engine at least once a day. It is beneficial for businesses to appear higher on the search engine results pages– SERPs as a trusted resource by the google search engine; it provides them credibility. Appearing on the higher rankings and reaching the customers organically also provides the businesses with a competitive edge. 

The search engine provides users with the search intent and relevant results. SEO leverages this intent to show on the SERPs and boost quality engagement and generate leads. SEO allows insights into the relevant search intent and user behavior, which can also be utilized for SEO testing.

The internet boom in India since 2014 has resulted in a rise in local searches, benefitting local SEO. The increase in mobile traffic on websites has also led to the Google algorithm prioritizing websites that are SEO-friendly and mobile-friendly. When SEO-friendly pages show on the SERPs, they evidently receive higher engagement and sales as they provide the users with a seamless experience and engage recurring customers.

SEO always prefers the websites best catering to the user’s search intent. Creating the website with relevant content that is planned and carefully for SEO strategies enables the websites to be at their highest efficiency beginning in more revenue. SEO strategies are aimed at making websites discoverable and generating growth and higher ROI for businesses. 

Lucien Solutions SEO Strategy Framework

Keyword research: 

Initiating with the research, we gather keyword-relevant data. We opt for social listening through social media, its trends, blogs and public forums as a method to gain insights into customer behavior and preferences toward the product/ services. We utilize the seed words to brainstorm other related keywords, and keywords utilized by the competitors and create an efficient database for all the keywords ranging from low to high volume. The SEO metrics enable us to determine the range of keywords that will benefit the business and provide a competitive edge. 

Competitor analysis: 

Our main aim is to run the competitor analysis to find the gap in the market and utilize the window of opportunity by providing the audience with the Unique value proposition–UVP. It also enables us to identify the competition– direct and indirect, and the competitive landscape, and understand the patterns in the market, its strengths and weaknesses. It enables us to understand the business’ standing in the market and measure the progress later. The comprehensive knowledge of the all research work and analysis together aids in drafting strategies and campaigns focused on increasing the organic traffic and revenue for the business. 

In-depth Article: 

Google’s In-Depth article feature might not be as well-known as its SEO feature but it is just as effective. Google is the most used search engine, the majority of its users tend to look for quick information relevant to them. The in-depth article feature by google utilizes the algorithm to provide these users with search-intended information that is in much more detail than brief. We create In-depth articles that are relevant to the business’s products/ services. These informative articles are free for the audience to access, providing them with information only for knowledge purposes. This provides an interesting user experience as well as the keyword-rich and high-quality content ranks well through the information intended for keywords. 

On-Page SEO:

Another important aspect of SEO is on-page SEO. We implement practices to ensure the website remains optimized, and we prioritize the user experience to be seamless as it invites and engages more quality traffic and potential conversion. For an improvised user experience, we structure the website, we develop cornerstone content that is relevant to the business and its audience satisfying their search intentions. The aim is to engage its readers, with the language comprehended by them and subtly use keywords allowing the website and its landing pages to rank higher on the SERPs. 

We create and optimize the title tags and meta descriptions that aim towards raising the click through-rate – CTR, add on-page SEO metatags and provide headers that segment the content. Allowing users to grasp a larger amount of information in a short time, resulting in an improvement in user experience. 

We also include internal linking and external linking to reduce bounce rate and derive trust in the business respectively. This makes the user experience of the website as efficient as possible. 

Off-Page SEO: 

Off-page SEO being the dominating aspect of SEO strategy, we focus on and give a lot of importance to it as it directly affects the rankings. We build high-quality backlinks on social media, blogs and forums. The rich quality content with high-quality backlinks provides credibility and enables the users to find the websites quicker as they improve the ranking on the search pages. We take effortful steps beyond building backlinks and collaborate with credible platforms to create links.  

Local SEO – Google My Business: 

When a search is conducted Google algorithm shows the nearby, local results before other generalized results, irrespective of the mention of ‘nearby’ in the search. 97% of users tend to find local businesses online. Having Google My Business enables businesses to appear higher on search results. With our strategies for local SEO and google listings, and monitoring of the Key Performing Index– KPI, we optimize the pages to rank higher on the search results. 


Overall, we ensure to provide the user with the correct and quality information relevant to their search intent. We regularly update the website to remain relevant along with the changes in the SEO algorithm. Our practice of continually monitoring and regulating the website makes it efficient for the audience to find, engage and potentially convert. 

Quick google check 

Helpful content update:

Google’s helpful update algorithm is a site-wide signal that directly affects the rankings and visibility. It determines if the websites have a lot of unhelpful content. It only prioritizes content that is relevant and helpful to the users, providing them with a satisfactory experience. The addition of trust signals allows the algorithm to consider the webpage as helpful. This algorithm gives more importance to the quality of the content rather than quantity. Constant use of keywords throughout the content might not be as helpful as making it rich, concise and relevant to the key essence of the product/service. 

Spam update: 

Google regularly updates its algorithm, especially for spam updates to maintain the quality. Its strict policy immediately affects rankings to discard websites that ask users to download malware and personal information. Websites violating the policies and specific guidelines get a lower rank. Websites with low-quality content aren’t considered spam as they do no harm to the users. 

Rankbrain update: 

According to Google, Rankbrain AI is the third most important factor for ranking. It is a part of the general search algorithm. It understands and mediates the intent of the search query and the search results shown, providing as accurate results as possible. It analyzes the pogo-sticking, bounce rate, organic CTR and the dwell time by the users to determine the relevancy of the shown result for the particular query. This analysis is used the next time a similar search query is conducted. Having website content that is easy, readable, and in-depth irrespective of the length and using relevant keywords, aiding user intent; relevant meta titles and meta descriptions can be helpful to optimize the website for the rank brain AI.

How our SEO strategies help businesses? 

Our strategies for every individual business are different but the aim remains to offer growth. We initiate by developing a deeper understanding of the client’s offered product/ services and objectives, its market, the audience and their behavior as well as the competition and the market gap. This research later provides us with all the necessary information throughout the time frame with little to no hiccups on the way. Through our SEO audits and strategizing phase we clear all the doubts and misconceptions if any, to enable a further smooth process. The research also provides us with industry essential keywords and relevant material to create original content for the goal-oriented campaign strategies. 

We conduct A/B testing to ensure correct landing pages are presented before the users followed by link building to add more relevance and recognition to the business. Our strategies also include optimization of campaigns and follow-ups as we believe to continually prosper, they’re equally essential. 

As we believe no two businesses are the same and with experience to tailor strategies, we provide the client with strategies that cater to them and focus on their SEO requirements. Our understanding and analysis enable us to derive results with increased visibility on the SERPs. The business also experience a boost in sales and conversion due to the quality organic traffic driven by the raised visibility and rankings on the SERPs. The organic rankings enable the users to trust the credibility provided by the search engine. High-ranking appearance on the local search via mobile almost 80% of the time leads to conversion. Our strategies also benefit the business for long-term growth brought by building relationships with the audience, trust and customer loyalty, higher brand recall and inviting an audience beyond the targeted segment.

Why Our SEO Agency In Navi Mumbai Become’s A Great Fit? 

Our team collectively caters to the organic growth of businesses. Our experts’ skills, knowledge and experience of over x years enable us to suggest, modify and tailor strategies to align with your business and its objectives for search rankings. As a digital marketing agency,  we understand the importance of online recognition and business development. It is also why we understand the importance of SEO as a marketing strategy and the organic traffic it brings. Our effortful steps are consistently working towards the optimization of the campaigns to increase the search rankings on the SERPs. 

We maintain constant transparency throughout the process. From the kickoff meeting itself, we offer details and explanations of all the important steps to be taken on the business’s behalf. Besides transparency, we make sure to stay on the same wavelength throughout the process. With our expertise, we create exclusive content for every individual client and with the shared expertise, we use unique content to invite organic traffic and potential sales to the business. 

We efficiently optimize all the aspects of the website for improved user experience and keep a check on the updates for google algorithm to maintain the rankings unmoved or going higher. 

We understand the importance of choosing an SEO agency that respects your time and money. Our Navi Mumbai SEO agency offers strategies and work that values the same. Strategies that will give you back a higher return on investment– ROI.  

Making an investment in our SEO strategies, we ensure to provide results with long-term effects. The SEO ads we create, invite organic engagement and businesses enjoy the sales brought to their website. Initially, when we run the research and evaluation, we record the business’s then-current metrics to later provide the reports with the progress in performance. Our strategies have time and again proven to work to our client’s advantage. 


  1. Does social media help increase website rankings? 
    Social media is not a direct ranking factor but it definitely affects the rankings on SERPs indirectly. The links that are shared through posts on social media platforms feed into the SEO rankings. 
  2. What’s the difference between technical SEO and on-page SEO? 
    Technical SEO is a part of on-page SEO and it takes care of the performance and optimization of the website for search engine spiders crawl and index the page effectively, while on-page SEO is more focused on the content of the website. 
  3. Will content duplication harm website rankings? 
    Duplicate content might not necessarily push down the rankings of the website on SERPs but it causes the traffic to be divided, receiving half of the potential traffic. This eventually affects the rankings to lower for both content pages.  
  4. Can PPC and SEO be done at the same time?
    Implementing both marketing strategies together enables a better vision of what works best for the business. Showing on the rankings of SERPs with both strategies also increases brand recognition. 

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