How social media presence adds value to the business

How social media presence adds value to the business

Social media platforms hold the power to circulate a small piece of information across the globe at a much faster pace. It is a result of the platforms being a common source of interaction among people. Due to similar reasons social media platforms have also established themselves as the largest network for marketing. 
The humanization of the brand adds authenticity and brings genuineness to the brand, for its audience. It speaks and interacts with them directly, providing the brand with insights to determine effective strategies. Utilization of social media platforms optimally can provide brands with unparalleled competitive advantages.  

Statistics of Social media presence benefits 

Instagram and Facebook are the two leading platforms for social media marketing (SMM), followed by LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Twitter. Every platform has its own importance with various audience segments.  
It has become an integral marketing strategy as studies have shown that around 80% of all Instagram users follow brands and 60% of them have found about products/ services through it. And a third of them have contributed to sales. While 74% of users found about new brands on Facebook and 41% of them found about new products/services. 
Across all the social media platforms combined, the active Indian audience amounts to approximately xx million users. Having a social media presence would enable brands to cater to their audience and broaden the segment as well. 

These social media presence benefits are indispensable in long term. 

  • Brand awareness and recognition: 
    Having an active online brand persona allows audiences to become more aware of the brand and soon contributes to brand retention. Recognition is essential for every brand as it leads to brand building, staying relevant with the audience to keep them interested, and being a topic of conversation. 
    The audience-generated conversation around the brands allows more users to be introduced to the brand, participate and add value to the brand. It also provides rich insights for social listening allowing the brand to know more about the audience, their preferences, and their perspective on the brand. 
  • Convey brand’s message:  
    Social media is a great platform for brands to get informal with their audience and convey their perspectives, story, and objectives. Using the platform effectively will foster a genuine relationship between the brand and the customer. 
    Weaving values with stories of customers, employees, and team members portray the authenticity of the brand and its values 
    The stories and experiences shared can impact the brands positively and extensively as they humanize the brand.  
  • Drives more traffic and sales: 
    Brands with social media presence on the platform that caters to their audience segment, allow the audience to find them more easily. This also allows the creation of original, innovative, and relevant content that resonates with the audience and invites their interest in the brand. 
    Having interesting and compelling content and a bio builds curiosity within the audience. Providing them with website links and a call to action (CTA) adds value to the brand, generating leads and social traffic with conversion for the website. 
  • Responsive customer service: 
    Social media effectively humanizes the brand, enhancing its identity to bond with the customer on a much human level rather than through a middle person. This builds trust for customers within the brands and allows them to approach the brands directly. 
    Utilizing the communication source correctly, the brands can understand and respond to the customers and their queries better and provide them with improvised products and services.  
    The interaction becomes a method of promotion as it showcases the brand’s customer services. This boosts the existing and newer customers’ faith in the brand along with building brand loyalty and return customers. 

Every activity on the brand’s social media impacts the brand’s valuation, directly through reach, engagement, and social traffic or indirectly through social insights. With the increasing social media usage among users, it won’t cease to be an impactful platform. An effective social media presence can immensely contribute to boosting the traffic, sales, and revenue of a brand. 

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