Performance marketing – Google Ads for Real Estate 

Performance marketing – Google Ads for Real Estate 

Performance marketing 

Today upon discovering a business or brand a user might be potentially interested in, their first instinct is to search for them online, irrespective of the user’s age. According to research, over 95 billion businesses are searched on Google every month. Showing as a result for a relevant search query is highly beneficial for businesses. 

Performance marketing is a marketing service that is driven by results. It is aimed to drive actions that can be tracked and measured for optimization and attributing the ROI of the campaign or activities. There are various types of performance marketing like content marketing, banner ads, paid ads on social media, Google ads, and more. Among these, Google ads which is also known as Google pay-per-click, PPC is one of the most beneficial solutions. 95% of Mobile ad clicks come from Google PPC 

Impact of Google Ad on various industries: 

PPC ads have proven to positively impact various businesses like the retail industry, which witnessed 50% of its traffic driven by paid ads. The eCommerce industry experienced the same. 
The general home improvement industry received 81.25% of its revenue through paid searches. 
As per research, PPC ads can potentially increase brand awareness of a business by 80% proving PPC is a huge boosting aspect for businesses.

Impact of Google Ad on various industries Real Estate Industry 

The real estate industry is one of the highest converting industries through PPC advertising with a 4.40% of conversion rate. Research suggests 80% of home buyers search for real estate properties online which has led to the industry witnessing a range of 1.9% to 3.71% of average click-through rate CTR on the search ad. 

How are Google Ads benefitting the Real Estate industry? 

Target-specific: The Google ad location targeting allows marketers to place the advertisement based on the preferable geographic location, this can allow the business to find its potential customer. 

Highly target specific: Since PPC ads are highly customizable, they enable reaching the appropriate audience segment and yield better results. Ads that are highly targeted and resonate with the customers are more likely to grab their attention. The customers feel the ads directly speak to them, and that the realtor understands and is familiar with the location they are interested in, which aids in maintaining their interest and potentially gaining brand loyalty. 

Increased brand recall: Google ads for real estate provide high exposure through target-specific and tailored ads. When ads are tailored for a audience segment, they are more likely to recall the brand as they resonate with it. A real estate agent or agency with google ads that is audience or geolocation targeted is more likely to stay on top of the mind for an individual of the specific neighborhood than agency/ agents who don’t. 

Promotes confidence: Google ads enable the marketer to provide contact information. The provision of contact information promotes confidence within the customers that the real toes are available for assistance or queries. This also leads to an increase in the CTR with higher chances of successful conversion. 

Cost Effective: As the name implies pay per click the advertisers only need to pay marketers when their ad has been clicked on. It benefits the Realtors or Agencies to receive value for their as the specific targeting reduces resources wasted in wrong areas. It enables maintaining and controlling a budget for real estate marketing. Since PPC marketing is more cost effective than traditional marketing it potentially saves resources that can be reallocated. 

Quality leads: The real estate industry is highly competitive and requires sustainability which PPC provides. PPC generates excellent leads as it attracts quality traffic with high conversion potential. Research suggests consumers who visit the website through a PPC ad are 50% more likely to make a purchase. 

The real estate industry is highly competitive. It is highly recommended for professionals within the business to select performance marketing – Google ads for promotion. It provides an overall advantage for the business, as well as within the market with the distinguished competitive edge to stand out within the highly competitive crowd. 

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