Google people card – What is it, and how to create it? 

Google people card – What is it, and how to create it? 

What is it?

The Google People Card, in layman’s terms, can be defined as a virtual business card. This feature by google allows individuals and businesses to develop a profile page that contains information about them, their business, and their organization. It is similar to searching for a famous personality and coming across information about them and their works. 
This feature provides business professionals to build their online presence and link it to their website, social media, and other essential information. The profile, specifically, contains provision of information like the name, photo, business bio, contact information, social media links, website links, blog links, organizational portfolio, and even more. When more information is provided the search is highly potential to show on Google search. It is also known as add me to search. 
Sharing a people card is just as easy as sharing a business card, although having a people card also provides a competitive edge to the business. The profile page can always stay up to date with the organization and its works. 

How is it beneficial? 

  • Easy information access: The foremost benefit of people cards is having an online presence in the digital age. It is easy to create and maintain and share comprehensive information about a brand in a compact format. The add me to search feature is a smart way to establish a strong brand presence online. 
  • Brand recognition: It is an excellent way to be discovered and increases brand recognition. As the people card is optimized by search engines, the profile page enables higher brand visibility on the search engine leading to brand awareness. 
  • Brand Trust: The profile page also allows brands to build an online persona along with a credible reputation. this brings genuineness and authenticity that enables customers to build trust within the brands.  
  • Increase reach and engagement: Users are likely to click through the profile to know more information about the brand as well as visit the social media profiles increasing reach and engagement. 
  • Widen the network: The people card enables other business professionals from similar or other industries and potential employees to discover and learn about the business. 
  • Showcase works: as mentioned earlier the ‘add me to search’ enables everyone who comes across the profile page to view the highlighted works skills and experience of the organization.  

Steps to create your own People card:

  1. Enter the query “add me to search” if you are using the Google search engine. 
    If you are using any other search engine enter the query as “add me to Google”. 
    On Google, the top search result will provide a prompt “Get started”. 
    while other search engines will show results to the official website, to get started and begin creating the card. 
  2. Provide the details with information you wish for users to see on your profile page. 
    The people card requires you to provide necessary information like your name, your business, about it or you, and its location. 
    Further, it provides you with tabs to provide additional but optional information like your photo, description, qualifications, email Id as well as phone numbers. Although, as mentioned earlier it is optional information and you can choose to not reveal your personal email ID or phone number. 
    You can provide links to your website and social profiles and more. 
    It is highly recommended to provide as much information as it enables users to find you easily. 
  3. The next step enables you to have a preview of the visual representation of how users will see the card. Upon review and satisfaction, you can confirm you can save changes and Google will immediately index it in its search results. 
  4. You can reaffirm by trying to search in Google with your name or your business.

The people card feature is free and only available in India currently which provides Indian entrepreneurs with a distinguished competitive advantage. Google has a number of algorithms to protect users from spamming and impersonating cards and hence provide genuine cards with credibility. The approach is highly beneficial for professionals to build and increase their online presence.  

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